How to Setup SFML in macOS (Intel & M-series)

SFML Tutorials

Estimated Time: 10-30 min | Difficulty: Easy | SFML, Homebrew, macOS


In this tutorial, we will install SFML and create an Xcode project which builds and debugs our program. This will work on Intel and M-series Macs. We will be using Homebrew, a package manager for macOS. It should take 5-15 minutes once you have all required components installed.

SFML is an open-source, cross-platform multimedia library to provide a simple interface with graphics, audio, and input control in C++. SFML only supports 2-D graphics natively. View the details here:

Required Software:

Step 1 - Install Homebrew (~15 minutes)

If you do not have Homebrew installed, please open Terminal and run the following command. You can view full installation instructions

Warning: You will need sudo privileges when installing Homebrew.

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Step 2 - Install SFML (1-5 minutes)

Use Homebrew to download and install SFML.

brew install sfml

Step 3 - Create an Xcode Project (1 minute)

  1. Open Xcode.
  2. Select Create New Project...
  3. Xcode welcome page with `Create New Project...` emphasized
  4. Navigate to the macOS tab and select the Command Line Tool option. Then, click Next.
  5. `Command Line Tool` template highlighted under the macOS tab with next button focused
  6. Give the Product Name, Team, and Organization Identifier (typically the reverse of a domain; i.e., com.example). Ensure the Language is set to C++. Then, click Next.
  7. Xcode product creation view with project name field focused, SFML-Xcode selected. Team set to None, Language dropdown selected C++.

Step 4 - Link Libraries (5 minutes)

In this section, we will link the libraries. See below for the location of the libraries and their purpose.

If you cannot find the libraries, please seeTroubleshootingfor help!

Library Table

M-series Mac Library Path Intel Mac Library Path Library Name Library Purpose Is Required?
/opt/homebrew/lib/libsfml-system.dylib /usr/local/Homebrew/lib/libsfml-system.dylib libsfml-system System utilities and threading Yes
/opt/homebrew/lib/libsfml-window.dylib /usr/local/Homebrew/lib/libsfml-window.dylib libsfml-window Window management and input handling Yes
/opt/homebrew/lib/libsfml-graphics.dylib /usr/local/Homebrew/lib/libsfml-graphics.dylib libsfml-graphics 2D graphics rendering Yes
/opt/homebrew/lib/libsfml-network.dylib /usr/local/Homebrew/lib/libsfml-network.dylib libsfml-network Networking functionality No
/opt/homebrew/lib/libsfml-audio.dylib /usr/local/Homebrew/lib/libsfml-audio.dylib libsfml-audio Audio playback and processing No

Now, that we know what the libraries do, lets link the libraries.

  1. Click the + icon in the Frameworks and Libraries section.
  2. Xcode project with General tab selected. SFML-Xcode Target selected in left column. Frameworks and Libraries dropdown with Add button boxxed.
  3. You will now see this screen which shows macOS Frameworks. Click Add Other... and select Add Files.
  4. `Add Other...` dropdown selected. `Add Files...` boxxed in. macOS Finder window shown.
  5. Press Command + Shift + G. Now, type /opt/homebrew/lib for M-series Macs or /usr/local/Homebrew/lib for Intel Macs.
  6. Finder GOTO window shown with `/opt/homebrew/lib` typed.
  7. Now, select libsfml-graphics.<VERSION>.dylib, libsfml-system.<VERSION>.dylib, and libsfml-window.<VERSION>.dylib. Select the version you would like, at the time of this tutorial, SFML 2.6.2 was released. You must select graphics, system, and window. Without these, you cannot create a GUI (Graphical User Interface). Optionally, follow this process again to link audio and networking.
  8. Finder window with libsfml-graphics.2.6.2.dylib, libsfml-system.2.6.2.dylib, and libsfml-window.2.6.2.dylib selected.
  9. You should see the libraries shown in Xcode. If your screen looks the same as below, everything linked correctly. Note: If the libraries do not appear, select another tab then return to General. This is a glitch with Xcode 16.0.
  10. Xcode General Tab showing the three selected libs shown as `Emned & Sign`

Step 5 - Include Header Files (5 minutes)

In this section, we will add a System Header Search Path. Without this step, the compiler will not know where the header files are.

If you cannot find the header paths, please seeTroubleshootingfor help!

If you used Homebrew to install SFML, see the following table.

M-series Mac Include Path Intel Mac Include Path
/opt/homebrew/include/ /usr/local/Homebrew/include/
  1. Select the Build Settings tab.
  2. Xcode Build Settings tab boxxed
  3. Ensure All and Combined are selected as such.
  4. Xcode build settings shown, Select All and Combined filters selected.
  5. Now, type in the filter field "Header Search Path".
  6. Filter field boxxed with `Header Seach Paths` typed.
  7. Double click on the System Header Search Paths line.
  8. Pop-over window shown for the `System Header Search Path` with an empty list.
  9. Double click on the top line of the pop-over. Type /opt/homebrew/include/. If you manually located the lib folder, it will be the same root path up to lib. Simply change lib to include. For example, if your path is /home/user1/sfml/lib/..., your include folder should be /home/user1/sfml/include.
  10. Pop-over window shown for the `System Header Search Path` with /opt/homebrew/include typed.
  11. Click the main window and your project will be configured. You should be ready to use SFML now. Build the project with Command + B.

Step 6 - Create Hello, World! Project (2 minutes)

In this section, we will modify one of the starter projects SFML has on their website.

  1. Open main.cpp.
  2. Copy and paste the code below!
    #include <iostream>
    #include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
    int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
        // Create a window
        sf::RenderWindow window(sf::VideoMode(700, 550), "My First SFML App");
        sf::Vector2u windowSize = window.getSize();
        const double ballSize = 50;
        // Create a ball
        sf::CircleShape ball(ballSize);
        // Center ball on screen, depending on window and ball size
        ball.setPosition(windowSize.x / 2 - ballSize,
                         windowSize.y / 2 - ballSize);
        // Main loop
        while (window.isOpen()) {
            sf::Event event;
            while (window.pollEvent(event)) {
                if (event.type == sf::Event::Closed) {
        return 0;
  4. When you successfully run the program, your Xcode window will look something like this.
  5. Xcode IDE during successful run.
  6. Congratulations! You have built your first SFML project in Xcode!
  7. You will likely receive an error every once in a while. This states building could produce unreliable results. To resolve this, you need to clean the project. In the menu bar, go to Product > Clean Build Folder...; the keyboard shortcut is Command + Shift + K
  8. Building could produce unreliable results from a build cycle error.


Cannot Locate SFML

  1. Attempt to locate SFML by running `brew info`.
  2. brew info sfml
  3. If Brew did not install it correctly, run brew doctor. If this command returns error(s) you need to address, please referencebrew.shfor assistance.
  4. brew doctor
  5. Attempt to reinstall SFML.
  6. brew reinstall --force sfml
  7. Attempt Step 1 again.
  8. Use find to locate the SFML libraries.
    What it does:
    1. Search from the root path (/).
    2. Look for a file type (-type f) and ignore directories.
    3. Match the pattern (libsfml-*.dylib) ignoring case.
    find / -type f -iname "libsfml-*.dylib"

Determine My Architecture

Run the following command, then reference the table to see what your architecture is.

uname -m

Result Architecture Type
arm64 M-series Mac
x86_64 Intel Series Mac


Today, we installed SFML using Homebrew and configured an Xcode project to use the SFML library. In Xcode, we learned how to embed libraries and add header search paths. In terminal, we learned how to locate libraries usingfindand determine our architecture usinguname.



Created: Nov. 26, 2024
Updated: Feb. 04, 2025