I am a prospective graduate student pursuing a PhD in the Computer Science field. Interests include robotics and digital security. Career goal is to become a career-track professor.
I have served as a computer science teaching assistant (TA) since August 2022. I helped with both a C and C++ course. I host 2 open office hours and a 3-hour lab each week. I create slides to cover content in the lab, reiterate important concepts from lecture, and introduce cybersecurity concepts.
I have a solid academic foundation, having completed coursework in Calculus I-III, Discrete Structures, Linear Algebra, and Differential Equations, along with Physics Level I and II for Engineers and Scientists. My studies in Electrical Engineering include Logic Circuits (Verilog) and Microprocessors (ARM9 Assembly). I used a Blackboard (an ARM and FPGA development board) using the Vivado development studio.
Furthermore, I have taken courses in Automata and Formal Languages, Systems Programming, Software Engineering I, Data Structures (C/C++), Programming Language Design, Senior Design, Reverse Hardware Engineering, and Cyber-Physical Systems. I am currently engaged in Probability and Statistics, Software Testing, Graph Theory, and Software Requirements.
Download My Resume HereMy Research Interests:
- Safe human-robot interaction
- Intelligent fault-tolerent robotics
- V2X communication attacks
Capstone Project (Completed May 2024)
I finished my academic capstone project in May, 2024. Our group worked for an organization called Council on Aging in Colfax, WA. The app enables non-verbal children to express essential needs (such as water or food). The application targets Android devices, built with Flutter using Dart. The user interface consists of squares possessing unique colors and icons, called tiles. My role was to integrate a database (configure, maintain, etc.), create a factory pattern for tile generation, and manage entities.
Our group started a new project for Boost Collaborative – a non-profit org which serves families with special needs – to collect feedback on their services. I provided documentation for a JSON parser, summary of team and client meetings, and included wireframes my teammates created. It is bundled in a MD file which future maintainers could reference.
Professional & Academic Accomplishments
- Academic Honor - President's Honor Roll Spring 2023
- Created Video & Textual Tutorials for Students
- Mt. Shavano Reservation System
- Dart & Flutter Augmentative and Alternative Communication Application Description
- Object Oriented Principles
- Software Troubleshooting
- Prototyping and Agile Software Models
- Software Testing (K6, JUnit, Mockito, Selenium)
Programming Languages
- C/C++
- Swift
- Java
- Dart
- C#
- Python
- HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- Haskell
- ARMv9 Assembly
- Verilog
- libpq++ (C++)
- Flutter (Dart)
Tools & Operating Systems
- PostgreSQL
- macOS
- Git
- Linux
- Xcode
- macOS
- Git
- Linux
Office Hours
Dana 134 Wednesdays 17:00 - 19:00
MS Teams -kyle.parker
Education Email
Work Email
Recent Tutorials
- Setup SFML in Xcode on macOS [View Here]